Thursday 26 January 2012

Rules for constructors in java

  1. Constructors can use any access modifier, including private. (A private constructor means only code within the class itself can instantiate an object of that type, so if the private constructor class wants to allow an instance of the class to be used, the class must provide a static method or variable that allows access to an instance created from within the class.)
  2. The constructor name must match the name of the class.
  3. Constructors must not have a return type.
  4. It’s legal (but stupid) to have a method with the same name as the class, but that doesn’t make it a constructor. If you see a return type, it’s a method rather than a constructor. In fact, you could have both a method and a constructor with the same namethe name of the classin the same class, and that’s not a problem for Java. Be careful not to mistake a method for a constructor, be sure to look for a return type.
  5. If you don’t type a constructor into your class code, a default constructor will be automatically generated by the compiler.
  6. The default constructor is ALWAYS a no-arg constructor.
  7. If you want a no-arg constructor and you’ve typed any other constructor(s) into your class code, the compiler won’t provide the no-arg constructor for you. In other words, if you’ve typed in a constructor with arguments, you won’t have a no-arg constructor unless you type it in yourself !
  8. Every constructor has, as its first statement, either a call to an overloaded constructor (this()) or a call to the superclass constructor (super()), although remember that this call can be inserted by the compiler.
  9. If you do type in a constructor (as opposed to relying on the compiler-generated default constructor), and you do not type in the call to super() or a call to this(), the compiler will insert a no-arg call to super() for you, as the very first statement in the constructor.
  10. A call to super() can be either a no-arg call or can include arguments passed to the super constructor.
  11. A no-arg constructor is not necessarily the default (i.e., compiler-supplied) constructor, although the default constructor is always a no-arg constructor. The default constructor is the one the compiler provides! While the default constructor is always a no-arg constructor, you’re free to put in your own noarg constructor.
  12. You cannot make a call to an instance method, or access an instance variable, until after the super constructor runs.
  13. Only static variables and methods can be accessed as part of the call to super() or this(). (Example: super(Animal.NAME) is OK, because NAME is declared as a static variable.)
  14. Abstract classes have constructors, and those constructors are always called when a concrete subclass is instantiated.
  15. Interfaces do not have constructors. Interfaces are not part of an object’s inheritance tree.
  16. The only way a constructor can be invoked is from within another constructor.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Access modifiers and non access modifiers meaning

Modifiers for variables, methods and classes

Rules of Access Specifiers in Method Overriding

Modifiers and specifiers

OOPS concepts – Introduction

There are three basic concepts of OOPS

  1. Abstraction
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Polymorphism

1. Abstraction
Abstraction means using the equipment (or code) without knowing the details of working. For example, you are using your mobile phone without knowing how a mobile operates internally. Just a click on a button connects to your friend. This is abstraction. That is, the details of mobile mechanism are abstracted. Similarly we use the code of somebody to get the functionality without knowing how the code is written or working. For example, you are using printf() function to write to the DOS prompt without the awareness of what the code of printf(). One of the ways of achieving abstraction is inheritance. Through inheritance a subclass can use the super class methods as if they belong to it without caring their implementation details.
2. Encapsulation
Object-oriented concepts borrowed many terms from other technologies like encapsulation (from pharmaceuticals), inheritance (from biology), cloning (from genetics) and polymorphism (from biology) etc. Placing a powdered drug in a gelatin capsule and sealing it is known as encapsulation. With encapsulation, a Pharmacist hides the properties of a drug like its taste and color from the patient. Similar meaning is in OOPs also. Encapsulation hides the implementation details of coding; other way it is abstraction. With abstraction, implementation of information is hidden.
In a programming language, variables represent the properties and methods are used to change the properties. For example, the speed variable represent the property of a motor car and the method accelerator() is used to change the speed. Objects are used to call the methods. There may be multiple motor cars and every car has its own speed. Here, motor car represents an object. Every object encapsulates its own data. This encapsulation concept takes OOP languages a lead over traditional procedure-oriented languages. Binding data with objects (generally through method calls) is known as encapsulation.
In encapsulation, to have control over the manipulation of data (not to feed wrong data, for example, the speed cannot be negative) by other classes, a programmer declares variables as private and methods as public. Other classes can access the private variables through public methods. With encapsulation, every object maintains its own data and this data is entirely private to that object. Other objects cannot access or modify the data.
3. Polymorphism
Polymorphism is a Greek term and means many forms of the same ("poly" means many and "morphism" means forms). It is an OOP paradigm where one method can be made to give different outputs (functionalities) when called at different times. Polymorphism is two ways – static polymorphism where methods are binded at compile time and dynamic polymorphism where methods are binded dynamically at runtime. The same person is called as an officer (in office), husband (in house) and player (in cricket team). The person can be treated as base class. Extra subclasses can be added by hierarchical inheritance like son etc.

Types of inheritances in java